In the same way as I did for Twitter in an earlier post, I have now created a bookmarklet that adds notification overlay icons to Google+’s Taskbar icon, when pinned in IE9. Currently Google+ only has a small favicon, and I have not found a way to tweak this once the page has loaded, so it’s not quite as pretty as Twitter’s icon, but it’s better than nothing!
Right click Google+ Overlay Icon (IE9 only!) and click Add to Favorites to create the bookmarklet.
Formatted code for the bookmarklet:
(function() { var fLastCount = -1; window.setInterval(function() { try { var res = document.getElementById('gbi1'); if(res) { var nNewCount = parseInt(res.innerHTML,10); if(nNewCount == NaN) nNewCount = 0; if(nNewCount != fLastCount) { var ico = nNewCount > 5 ? 'error' : 'num_'+nNewCount; window.external.msSiteModeSetIconOverlay(''+ico+'.ico', nNewCount+' notifications'); fLastCount = nNewCount; } } else if(fLastCount != 0) { window.external.msSiteModeClearIconOverlay(); fLastCount = 0; } } catch(e) { } }, 1000); })();