Automating certificate renewal with Let’s Encrypt and ACMESharp on Windows

Jan 2020, please note: This approach is now deprecated. Let’s Encrypt will stop accepting ACMEv1 requests in June 2020. Have a look at for alternatives to this process.


UPDATE: 10 February 2017! I’ve updated the script in a new blog post to handle identifer expiry. 


Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. And it is awesome. It is being used by over 15 million domains already to date.


Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority. So that means that they issue certificates, specifically for secure https (TLS) websites. Lots of other organisations do this as well. But two things stand out about Let’s Encrypt. First, it’s free! Given that I was paying over $100/year for a certificate for one of my sites until recently, that’s a big win already. The second is, it’s automated!

The automated bit cannot be understated. It means that the first time I use Let’s Encrypt, I have to do a bunch of setup. But from then on, I no longer have to remember the arcane and complicated process of generating a certificate request, uploading it to a CA, waiting for the CA to process the request, and finally importing the certificate along with all the incidentals such as intermediate certificates.

However, the one thing about Let’s Encrypt that has stopped me using it so far is that I run some of my sites on IIS on Windows, but Let’s Encrypt is very *nix-focused. While there are clients for Windows, none of them are very complete and so it’s been a bit of hit and miss using them.

The most up-to-date client/library that I have found appears to be ACMESharp. This library is a PowerShell module, and while there is a GUI front end available, I haven’t used the GUI. I’ve worked entirely with the PowerShell module. ACMESharp is pretty flexible and covers everything I need, except one thing: renewals. It has no built-in automated renewal support. So I rolled my own.

I did most of my work in the Let’s Encrypt staging environment, after foolishly starting in the live environment and rapidly hitting the duplicate certificate rate limit. I recommend you do your testing in the staging environment also!

The easiest way to work in the staging environment is to setup a separate vault profile for ACMESharp. I ended up using my :user profile for staging and my :sys profile for the live host. To specify which vault profile you want to use, it’s best to use an environment variable, as otherwise you’ll inevitably forget to append the -VaultProfile parameter to one of your setup commands and leave yourself in a bit of a mess:


What follows is a script setup for my servers, but which should work for most Windows PowerShell scenarios. I have set it up to email me on success or failure; I’ll be watching it over the next little while to ensure that it gets things right. I have set it up as a scheduled task to run every 60 days, per Let’s Encrypt’s recommendation.

The script assumes you have already followed the ACMESharp Quick Start to configure your environment. The variables at the top of the script could be configured as script parameters, but for simplicity I’ve just put them at the top of the script. The script will request a new certificate, import the newly issued certificate into the localmachine certificate store, then assign it to all https bindings on the specified web site instance. Finally, it will delete all expired certificates associated with the domain in question.

UPDATE: 10 February 2017! Please see the revised script!

import-module ACMESharp

# Script parameters

$domain = ""
$alias = ""
$iissitename = ""
$certname = "$(get-date -format yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm)"

# Environmental variables

$PSEmailServer = "localhost"
$LocalEmailAddress = "[email protected]"
$OwnerEmailAddress = "[email protected]"
$pfxfile = "c:\Admin\Certs\$certname.pfx"
$CertificatePassword = "PASSWORD!"

# Script setup - should be no need to change things below this point

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$EmailLog = @()

# Utility functions

function Write-Log {
  Write-Host $args[0]
  $script:EmailLog  += $args[0]

Try {
  Write-Log "Attempting to renew Let's Encrypt certificate for $domain"

  # Generate a certificate
  Write-Log "Generating certificate for $alias"
  New-ACMECertificate ${alias} -Generate -Alias $certname

  # Submit the certificate
  Submit-ACMECertificate $certname

  # Check the status of the certificate every 6 seconds until we have an answer; fail after a minute
  $i = 0
  do {
    $certinfo = Update-AcmeCertificate $certname
    if($certinfo.SerialNumber -ne "") {
      Start-Sleep 6
  } until($certinfo.SerialNumber -ne "" -or $i -gt 10)

  if($i -gt 10) {
    Write-Log "We did not receive a completed certificate after 60 seconds"
    $Body = $EmailLog | out-string
    Send-MailMessage -From $LocalEmailAddress -To $OwnerEmailAddress -Subject "Attempting to renew Let's Encrypt certificate for $domain" -Body $Body

  # Export Certificate to PFX file
  Get-ACMECertificate $certname -ExportPkcs12 $pfxfile -CertificatePassword $CertificatePassword

  # Import the certificate to the local machine certificate store 
  Write-Log "Import pfx certificate $pfxfile"
  $certRootStore = "LocalMachine"
  $certStore = "My"
  $pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
  $store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store($certStore,$certRootStore) 
  $certThumbprint = $pfx.Thumbprint

  # Bind the certificate to the requested IIS site (all https bindings)
  Write-Log "Bind certificate with Thumbprint $certThumbprint"
  $obj = get-webconfiguration "//sites/site[@name='$iissitename']"
  for($i = 0; $i -lt $obj.bindings.Collection.Length; $i++) {
    $binding = $obj.bindings.Collection[$i]
    if($binding.protocol -eq "https") {
      $method = $binding.Methods["AddSslCertificate"]
      $methodInstance = $method.CreateInstance()
      $methodInstance.Input.SetAttributeValue("certificateHash", $certThumbprint)
      $methodInstance.Input.SetAttributeValue("certificateStoreName", $certStore)

  # Remove expired LetsEncrypt certificates for this domain
  Write-Log "Remove old certificates"
  $certRootStore = "LocalMachine"
  $certStore = "My"
  $date = Get-Date
  $store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store($certStore,$certRootStore) 
  foreach($cert in $store.Certificates) {
    if($cert.Subject -eq "CN=$domain" -And $cert.Issuer.Contains("Let's Encrypt") -And $cert.Thumbprint -ne $certThumbprint) {
      Write-Log "Removing certificate $($cert.Thumbprint)"

  # Finished
  Write-Log "Finished"
  $Body = $EmailLog | out-string
  Send-MailMessage -From $LocalEmailAddress -To $OwnerEmailAddress -Subject "Let's Encrypt certificate renewed for $domain" -Body $Body
} Catch {
  Write-Host $_.Exception
  $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception | format-list -force | out-string
  $EmailLog += "Let's Encrypt certificate renewal for $domain failed with exception`n$ErrorMessage`r`n`r`n"
  $Body = $EmailLog | Out-String
  Send-MailMessage -From $LocalEmailAddress -To $OwnerEmailAddress -Subject "Let's Encrypt certificate renewal for $domain failed with exception" -Body $Body

I guess I’ll find out in 60 days if the script still works! With many thanks to the users of StackOverflow, and other bloggers, for working code samples which saved me a lot of time reading reference documentation for so many of the different bits of glue here, from exception management, through to sending emails with PowerShell, through to assigning certificates to IIS website bindings, and more…

Update 2 December 2016: The original script had a bug that didn’t affect use with IIS. However, when I tried to use the Let’s Encrypt certificate with another program, in this case MailEnable, I found that the program did not have access to the certificate, even though it seemed it should have had.

When I started the relevant MailEnable service, it would display an error such as:

12/02/16 20:13:00 **** Error 0x8009030d returned by AcquireCredentialsHandle
12/02/16 20:13:00 **** Error creating credentials object for SSL session
12/02/16 20:13:00 Unable to locate or bind to certificate with name ""

I checked the permissions and various other factors but only when I did a deep comparison of the details of a working certificate against the one that was failing, using certutil, as suggested in that blog linked above, did I spot the problem. The problem lay in the following CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO structure:

    Provider = Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0
    ProviderType = 1
    Flags = 0
    KeySpec = 1 -- AT_KEYEXCHANGE

When I compared this against a working certificate, I saw that the Flags member had a value of 20 (hex), not 0. 0x20 turns out to be CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET. Because I was missing the MachineKeySet flag in the certificate import call, this meant that the key was stored under the Administrator user’s keyset instead of the machine keyset. IIS coped with this, but not MailEnable, which runs under a more restricted user’s credentials.

I have also updated the script to delete all Let’s Encrypt certificates for the domain that have been obsoleted by the new certificate, rather than just certificates that have expired (-And $cert.NotAfter -lt $date), mostly to avoid the risk of accidentally selecting an old certificate manually when doing configuration via UI.

On my servers, I’ve also added a section to the end of the script that restarts various services that depend on the certificate and will not use a new certificate until after restarting.

16 thoughts on “Automating certificate renewal with Let’s Encrypt and ACMESharp on Windows

  1. Hi Marc,

    thanks for your great article. I adapted your script to automate the server certificate rollout for RDS-Listeners in Terminal Services scenarios:

    Is this ok for you?

    Reading your last comment I will have to find a way to automate the DNS-Challenge with my current DNS-Provider. Let’s see how to cope with that.

    Best regards!

  2. Great article! You might add /how/ you setup your profiles for staging and production. After some digging I believe it looks like this:

    Initialize-ACMEVault -BaseService LetsEncrypt -VaultProfile “:sys” -Force
    Initialize-ACMEVault -BaseService LetsEncrypt-STAGING -VaultProfile “:user” -Force

    (using -Force to overwrite existing vault data)

    1. Thanks for reading! I don’t actually remember now how I setup the profiles, but I do remember it wasn’t clearly documented. So thank you for calling that out 🙂

  3. Can you clarify one point for me? Does each renewal require an additional challenge be completed, or does the initial challenge validate the agent for the life of the agent?

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